

I am so glad that you have taken the time to come and visit me over here in my little corner of the internet.

If you are here for the first time, let me give you a little info into what you will find here….

All of my blog posts can be found under the tab titled The Blog. In there you will find articles that I write on a weekly basis about my life as a mom, family updates, encouragement and things that are on my heart. I tend to post new articles on Mondays and Wednesdays, so be sure to come back frequently for some new stuff!!

If you stumbled upon my site looking for more information regarding my battle with Postpartum Depression, or information for yourself or another mom, head on over to the tab titled Postpartum Mood Disorders. I post new articles there frequently, and I am always adding new links as I come across things that I find that other moms may find helpful. If you know of anything that may be a good addition, please head over to the contact page and let me know! You never know what might be that one thing that helps a undiagnosed mom, or a mom who is suffering in silence.

If you are in the Rochester, NY area and looking for a way to make some new mama friends, or just a place to get out for a bit and chat, check out the For Mamas Only tab for information on local play groups and mom events in our area!!  If you are not local, I suggest downloading the MomCo App on your smart phone to find information on local mom events, play dates and play groups in your area.

You can find out more about me under the very creatively titled About me page, or by just reading some of our family adventure posts.

And please, please, please – contact me. Comment, email, reach out. I love hearing from my readers! And I love seeing conversations started amongst my readers.

Thanks for stopping by!

14 thoughts on “Home

  1. Beautiful look, Meg! So much more you! I love to read your blogs–it’s like a window into a day at the Morris home! And to hear your thoughts takes me back to when I was in your shoes… such a wonderful time, complete with it’s ups and downs! And to see your Momma’s heart in your writing is so uplifting and warming! Thank you for sharing these glimpses in your lives! Love you!! ❤ ❤ ❤


  2. I love names that have a story! And I need to read that book, I really like Becoming a Woman After God’s Own Heart. And you DO need to read Radical – people probably get sick of me talking about it because I still think about it all the time! Really life-changing!


  3. I am so utterly proud of all you have accomplished and how much you still have to go… what a wonderful journey…. even the rough parts have given you the chance to help others… I find myself learning from you now too…
    I love you so very much honey…… love, mom


  4. Hi there,

    I found your blog after one of my friends shared it with me on Facebook and wanted to run a few things by you. I’m working on a home education project, and I think it’s something you could definitely relate to. Let me know if you have a moment to discuss.




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